This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
By Carlie Lee
Charlie Brotherstone, of AM Heath LiteraryAgency, will be one
of the agents at the Lit Factor, in the Author’s Lounge. He’s been with AM Heath for about five years, and his list comprises
both fiction and non-fiction authors.
Hoping to find:
A writer who can produce both a brilliant story and a linguistic
assault on the reader which lasts well beyond the final page. Think Kevin Barry’s
City of Bohane.
Really would rather not be faced with:
An author wielding a USB stick on which is written the dubious-sounding
title of their novel and trying to stash it in your pocket. Sounds hypothetical,
Hot Tip:
Really think about how to pitch your novel. An enticing blurb
will spark an agent’s interest and get them excited about reading the book itself.
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