This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
by Anna Bell
When it comes to getting a book deal, I really believe all that stands in your way is you. Okay, you need talent, and a bit of luck, but I think a lot of it comes down to your attitude and determination. With more ways than ever to get published, are you stopping yourself from realising your dream?
Over the few years I’ve been writing this column I’ve met lots of aspiring authors, both online and at writing related events. Quite a few of them have gone on to become authors who have either secured publishing deals or had successful self-publishing careers. What stood out about those who have succeeded is attitude. I got a sense when I spoke to them, or watched how they acted on social media, of how much they wanted it – how much drive they had and how determined they seemed to be. In contrast, I’ve met lots of authors who seem almost apologetic that they have something they want published, and many of those are still aspiring.
I realise that not everyone who is determined – or works ridiculously hard – to get published will. I’m not saying that it’s a guarantee. But what I am saying is that having your head in the right place and having a ‘can do’ attitude can only help. It’s about changing your thinking from ‘I want to be published’ to ‘I’m going to get published’.
So, as they said in a recent episode of Grey’s Anatomy, bring the thunder. Create your own storm behind you. Declare to yourself that 2015 is going to be your year and no niggles of self doubt or rejection are going to stop you. If you’ve been submitting and getting nowhere on one manuscript for a long time, maybe it’s time to start afresh and try writing something else. Or be more determined. Polish your manuscript as much as you possibly can. Give it to test readers, garner feedback, use it wisely and edit some more. Then, once your happy with what you’ve got, have that self-believe that your work is good enough to be on a shelf and go for it.
In this digital age, there are more ways than ever to get published, and you now have a choice. As well as trying to go down the traditional route of securing an agent and a print publisher, you could try the eBook only imprints of big publishers, go for a small independent ebook publisher, or take the plunge and self-publish. Whereas before you might have wanted to hold out for the kudos of having a big publisher, authors like me have used self-publishing or eBook only publishing as their stepping stones to a traditional deal.
Another great way to get your attitude and boost your confidence is to socialise with other writers. Attending events is a great way of getting an insight into the industry and learning what others have done on their journey. It’s also great to chat to people that ‘get’ your dream, in a way that perhaps your friends and family can’t understand. There’s such a supportive community of writers out there, and making friends with them is a perfect way to spur you on until you realise your dreams.
Is 2015 going to be the year your dreams come true? What do you think – is your attitude the key to becoming a successful author?