This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
by Anna Bell
I realised last week that I’d been writing this very column on Novelicious for five years. Five years – where the blooming heck did they go? I can’t quite believe it. It’s one of my favourite weekly tasks. Of course, it does mean I spend my Sunday scratching my head and panicking that I’m never going to think of another column, but amazingly I always do.
It’s nice to hit a landmark of time as it makes you evaluate what’s happened since then. For me, my life seemed to hit fast forward and I’ve been on a roller coaster ever since. Within the last five years, I’ve self-published four books, had three books traditionally published, three books made into audiobooks and Don’t Tell the Groom has been translated into Italian and Dutch. That’s just on the book front. In my personal life, I quit my job as museum curator, moved to France with my husband, bought and renovated a wreck of a house, had one baby and now have another on the way. Talk about busy!
I was wondering how best to mark my five year anniversary and I thought how better than to revisit some of my favourite columns? Oh yes, folks; it’s like that moment when you thought you were sitting down to an episode of your favourite TV show only to find disjointed flashbacks from previous episodes. So here they are:
My funniest postI tried to be funny when subbing my first novel and it failed miserably. Not only did I not get an agent or publisher (shocker), but it makes me cringe a lot to look back on it. Luckily for you, I shared some of the gems from it in a column.
The post that hit a real nerve with established authors
There are certain things you should never say to an author. My biggest pet-peeve is when people tell me with shock that they can’t get my book at their local bookshop. I do agree – it’s outrageous that a local bookshop doesn't stock every book ever published. What was nice about this column was that other authors shared their bugbears, too.
Proudest moments
I was lucky to get a book deal and an agent within short space of time and I couldn't have been prouder. It was so great being able to write about those experiences in my Novelicious column as I felt like you’d come along on my publishing journey from failure to success. Not to mention, I had lots of lovely comments from wonderful readers that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. My book deal moment and when I got my agent.
Most helpful
I have rambled on about all sorts of things over the years. More often than not my column is some rant or self-deprecating look at my writing. But every once in a while I write something that is helpful for other writers. This is the post I send people to when they’re thinking of self-publishing as it features lots of hints and tips.
I’d really love to thank all of you wonderful readers for still reading my column and, of course, Team Novelicious for having me here every week. Here’s to another five years, and probably a bald patch from all the head scratching!
How much has your professional life changed over the last five years?