This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.

I’m one of those odd people who doesn’t get the January blues. Ok, so usually I plan a little holiday in January, but even still, I love the prospect of a new year. I always think it is like starting a blank canvas, and I love the idea of planning out a year when anything is a possibility. And this year I’m more excited than ever.
This time in 2011, I was wondering what the new year had in store for me, and boy was it a good year. On a personal level I moved house, adopted a dog and got married. And in the writing world, I may not have become a published author, but I had a pretty good year. I managed to meet a couple of authors whose books I love (in some swanky locations), I reviewed around 15 books and I managed to write about 100,000 words (60,000 words being in one novel). So instead of beating myself up about not being published, I’ve managed to start the new year feeling hopeful that I’m getting somewhere on my journey.
This past year I’ve grown heaps in writing confidence. I’ve had some nice feedback and reviews about my podcast novel. I’ve almost completed a manuscript that when I tell people about the plot they actually think it sounds like proper book. I’ve also got better at the whole networking thing and starting to utilise contacts I’ve made and also attempt to contact others. I think I’m also getting better at the writing craft too. Since editing the podcast novel for an e-book, I’ve learnt lots about the editing process and found a really cool way of spotting my errors (I’ll save that for another column!)
2012 is going to by my year. I’ve written my letter to the universe, and I’m keeping all my fingers and toes crossed. I am releasing my podcast novel as en e-book at the end of the month. You’ll be able to buy Millie and the American Wedding on Amazon Kindle. I’m also going to finish the work in progress, and actually sub it to agents, something I haven’t done in almost 2 years!
Now, I know it is easy to be optimistic and excited about the year to come, but I also got the great news that I’ve been accepted on to the Romantic Novelist Association’s New Writers Scheme. I am so excited as I have tried and failed for the last two years to get on it. It did mean waiting up until 12.01am on 2nd January to apply via email (which after a heavy night on New Year’s Eve could have been a struggle), but it was worth it when I got the email confirmation.
Apparently all the places had been filled by 12.03am.
I’m excited as it has given me a structure for my writing year, and will actually make me stick to my writing goals for the year. One of elements of NWS is that you have a manuscript appraised. The manuscript has to be submitted by August, which means I really need to get round to writing the last twenty thousand words of my first draft. And then I’m going to have to edit like crazy. But for the first time I have an actual deadline.
And that is why I’m excited for 2012, fingers crossed, it could be the best year yet.