This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
I am wiggly with excited to tell you that my second novel The Vintage Guide to Love and Romance is now out in the world and available to buy! It's been such a whirlwind of excitement since I self-published Yours Truly back in 2012 and you all helped me to get it into the top 10 of the kindle charts. I'm so grateful for the support you showed me. It changed everything. It changed my whole life for the better.
I've worked very hard with Pan Macmillan to make The Vintage Guide to Love and Romance the best book it can possibly be. I wanted to write you a story with a fresh, bold protagonist, a meaty plot, a touch of fairytale romance and lots and lots of laugh out loud moments. I wanted to write you a story that would make you feel happy. I hope I have achieved it and that you fall in love with Jessica Beam and Co, as I have.
I am going to once more ask for your help and support in getting this book out there into the hands of readers (I'm nothing if not incredibly cheeky). If you could Tweet or Facebook about the book, that would be mega. If you do buy it (thank you, thank you thank you) and you enjoy it, please tell a friend you think will enjoy it too! I'm having a real-life launch tonight and couldn't be more excited about it. And on Monday 13th April, the lovely Ana from This Chick Reads is throwing me a virtual launch on Twitter. We will be serving all the virtual vintage champagne and virtual cake that you could ever hope to virtually enjoy. I hope you can join me in general book chat and hijinks.
Above all, above everything, I hope that The Vintage Guide to Love and Romance entertains you. That's what I want to do most of all!
With love, thanks and happy reading,
Kirsty Greenwood