This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
Poppy's debut novel, the warm and witty THE BAD BOYFRIENDS BOOTCAMP, is out now.
1. Don't give up. No, really. You might feel like you've been pinched and punched like it's the first of the month every blummin day, but those rollercoaster lows get easier to take the longer you hang on to the ride. And more highs will eventually come along and bump you up, too.
2. Find a routine that works for you. First thing in the morning? In complete silence? Doing it by hand? Hey, get your minds out of the gutter but stick to what feels good. In terms of WRITING. Sheesh, you perverts. Find your mojo and work it, baby.
3. Talk to people. Look at people. Sort-of rip off people. Good dialogue has that ring of truth about it, so observe and listen to the people you know and then keep reading your dialogue out loud to yourself and see if you can imagine a friend or colleague saying it. But try not to apply this tip in a public place.
4. Write what you love. It may be erotic fiction floating everyone's boat this week, it may have been Scandi crime last week, but you can only truly write well when you're having fun doing it. So write in the genre that you love; write a book that you want to read. Don't choose a subject or a genre because it's fashionable unless it really floats your boat too. And if you make a million writing Scandi erotica, then lend me a tenner please.
5. Get on Twitter. It's aces. End of. Oh, and you get to meet loads of great writerly types who provide crucial support. And there are pictures of cute kittens on there too.