This post was originally published at and is now at acquired in June 2022.
You know what we love about you? You’re kinda nerdy, just like us, and we totally dig it.
In fact, we love that you geek out with us over all things literary day after day.
You get crazy excited about new releases and authors despite your already toppling TBR piles; you’re equally happy quipping in with thought-provoking comments in paper vs digital debates as you are discussing the merits of various actors who’ve played Mr. Darcy, you can always be relied upon for pictures of bookish hunks, you have literary quotes for every occasion – and all of that is just for starters!
Like us, you’re unashamedly nerdy when it comes to books and that’s why we thought this NERD brooch from the lovely folks at Bookish England would be just the thing for you.
Handmade using old, unloved and lonely vintage Scrabble tiles, we have one of these funky little creations to give away. Here’s how you can enter: