A house that is no longer inhabited can make a mysterious setting in a novel across so many genres. If you need some words that describe an abandoned house, use the following 10 as a source of inspiration.
1. Deserted
An area devoid of life; a wild or forbidding place.
“The quiet house appeared completely deserted, though they still approached it with significant caution.”
“The deserted house stood in the middle of the empty plain. The only signs of life were the sounds of mice scuttling and scavenging for what the previous owners had left behind.”
How It Adds Description
The word deserted often implies an intention when it’s used in this context. The people who used to live in the house you’re describing may have left it on purpose, and you can use that to make your readers feel unnerved as they read about it.
2. Desolate
Empty of inhabitants or life; joyless or sorrowful, usually because of some kind of separation; lacking comfort or hope.
“The floorboard of the desolate house creaked under his feet as he explored the rooms.”
“While the other houses on the street teemed with life, this one was cold and desolate.”
How It Adds Description
When you use the word desolate to describe an abandoned house, this can help to make the house seem even more threatening. It can also give off a real sense of bleakness to your readers.
3. Dreary
Reflecting or displaying discouragement or listlessness; lacking in comfort or cheer; somber or gloomy.
“The inclement bad weather on the horizon made the house appear even more dreary.”
“The moth-eaten curtains fell still as the breeze stopped, the atmosphere in the room suddenly becoming dreary again.”
How It Adds Description
Describing something as dreary will instantly set a cold and gloomy mood. If you want to make sure that your readers understand that this house is something completely devoid of any life, this is a good word to use. The dreariness of the house could also represent a lack of motivation or hope in your characters.
4. Derelict
Abandoned by an occupant; voluntarily abandoned.
“The house used to be owned by a wealthy woman who had abandoned it some years ago. Now it stood empty and derelict.”
“The derelict house had not been maintained, and she worried that it would fall apart with her inside.”
How It Adds Description
The word derelict implies that something has been abandoned purposefully, which can help add an ominous tone to your description. Perhaps something inside it was dangerous that forced the previous occupant to leave it behind which your character must now discover.
5. Empty
Not having anything in it; uninhabited or unoccupied.
“He could imagine the house in its heyday with beautiful decorations and plenty of visitors instead of the empty shell he saw before him now.”
“The owner had taken all of her things with her, leaving the house now completely empty.”
How It Adds Description
The house you’re describing may literally have nothing inside it, which makes this word a great one to use to describe it. You can also use it to make it seem like it’s empty, and then have something surprise your characters and readers later.
6. Untended
“The plants in the house’s untended garden had been left to grow wild, and now vines completely covered the south side of the house.”
“The house was large enough to warrant cleaning staff, but since it had been abandoned it had been left completely untended, and she doubted it would ever look the way it once had again.”
How It Adds Description
Describing the abandoned house you have in your story as untended can help readers feel as though there is almost something wild about it now that no one is caring for it.
7. Shabby
Not well-kept; lacking in quality; faded from wear.
“The house looked shabby—it was clear that no one had lived in it in a long time.”
“The once comfortable and beautiful furniture had faded and become shabby with age and time.”
How It Adds Description
Shabby is a good word to use to describe the way that the abandoned house in your story looks. By describing it using this word, you’ll give readers the sense that it’s not a good-looking house or that it’s been neglected for some time.
8. Forgotten
Disregarded; something that people have lost remembrance for; overlooked, sometimes intentionally.
“Whoever had been left in charge of caring for the house hadn’t done so in some time, and now the house appeared to be completely forgotten.”
“To find the old journal, they would have to sift through the abandoned, forgotten house at the end of the street.”
How It Adds Description
Using the word forgotten tells readers that not only is this house abandoned, but the person or people meant to care for it have disregarded its existence entirely. You can imply a much more somber mood by using this word.
9. Forsaken
To forsake something is to turn away from it entirely; forgotten.
“They were quick to help the man in need, but they left the house itself forsaken.”
“The house had been forsaken long ago, and she wasn’t eager to investigate it now to see why.”
How It Adds Description
If you describe the abandoned house in your story as forsaken, your readers will immediately get the sense that this isn’t a house that’s simply been left behind. It’s something that was intentionally abandoned or turned away from for whatever reason.
10. Neglected
Not cared for or provided with the necessary attention.
“The house had obviously been neglected for some time, and it was now overrun with small animals and dust.”
“Even while they were living there, the previous owners had left the house neglected, and now that it was abandoned it looked worse than ever.”
How It Adds Description
The word neglect implies an intentional act to leave something or to not care for it. If you use this word to describe the house in your story, you can also use it as a way to symbolize that the character looking at it may also feel neglected in some way.