Is the protagonist in your novel an actress? Do you want to depict her allure? Here are 10 words to describe a fashionable actress to give you some ideas.
1. Avant-Garde
Original and modern; at the cutting edge.
“The avant-garde look she wore on the red carpet was sure to be in the fashion columns the following day.”
“People either thought her fashion was avant-garde or downright ridiculous.”
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Often, fashionable people are wearing new trends that other people may not have even considered. “Avant-garde” helps to show how your fashionable actress is helping to stay one step ahead in the fashion game! However, some characters might not understand the fashion direction that they are going in, while others might love it.
2. Chic
Stylish and fashionable.
“Surely everyone knew that the secret to being chic was to keep things simple and stylish, but apparently she hadn’t got the memo.”
“She was always so effortlessly chic, even when she was caught unawares by the paparazzi.”
How it Adds Description
If your actress character is fashionable, but in a way that is more understated and effortless, then “chic” is a great way to describe them! This word can also be used to describe things such as venues, so perfect to show where your actress frequents.
3. Discerning
Showing good judgement when it comes to style.
“She kept incredibly discerning company. It was clear when someone in her group did not fit in.”
“Every celebrity needs to be discerning when it comes to fashion: the last thing you want is to be ridiculed in the papers.”
How it Adds Description
To be a fashionable actress, you either need a really good stylist, or very “discerning” taste yourself! “Discerning” people are usually good judges of what looks good and what doesn’t, and sometimes they can look down on those that might not meet their fashion requirements!
4. Elegant
Graceful and attractive in appearance or bearing.
“Her elegant sense of style meant she always looked sophisticated on the red carpet compared to the other celebrities.”
“Even when off camera, she was elegant in every way.”
How it Adds Description
Often a great fashion choice changes how we carry ourselves and can lead us to be graceful and “elegant”! If your actress has a more refined sense of style, then “elegant” is a fantastic way to describe them compared to others.
5. Idolized
To be admired and respected, often to the point of excess.
“She was idolized for her cult movies but also her unique sense of style.”
“She would be idolized in all of the fashion magazines, with multiple features on how to recreate her red carpet look.”
How it Adds Description
Fans can often be obsessive, and so your actress might end up being literally worshipped and emulated when it comes to their fashion choices! “Idolized” also shows how much power and sway this character has over people, to almost a godly level.
6. Snobby
Having high standards and being dismissive of anything or anyone that does not meet them.
“Hollywood had changed her. She had gone from a simple country girl to a snobby fashionista.”
“The restaurants she was now able to go to with her newfound fame were incredibly snobby. If you didn’t look the part you were not able to enter.”
How it Adds Description
Often people that are fashionable and famous can let things go to their head, and end up looking down on anyone or anything that is not like them. If your character is like this, then “snobby” is a great way to describe them and the places where they might be found.
7. Sophisticated
Having a great understanding of people, fashion, and culture.
“Next to her co-stars, she always displayed a sophisticated sense of style.”
“She tried to maintain a sophisticated demeanor, that way she often found she was selected for more Oscar-award-winning roles.”
How it Adds Description
“Sophisticated” helps you to be able to describe how your character’s understanding of style has developed, or how they naturally approach fashion. They may just have an instinct, or it may be something that they have learned over time to allow them to continue to thrive in the world of acting and celebrity.
8. Stylish
- Fashionable and attractive.
- Having a quality that appears different in a pleasing way.
“In order to maintain her stylish persona, her wardrobe completely changed on a two-weekly basis. It was rare for her to wear the same thing twice.”
“Not many people could pull off that haircut, but on her face shape it was a stylish choice.”
How it Adds Description
“Stylish” is a word that works in two ways, both to show that someone is fashionable or looks good, but can also refer to those who might appear attractive or fashionable in a way that others simply cannot do. If your fashionable actress can pull off looks that would look terrible on someone else, they most likely have a “stylish” quality about them!
9. Trendsetter
Someone or something that starts new trends, fashions, or crazes.
“The girl that they just signed at the studio is sure to be a trendsetter and have all the gals copying her looks.”
“It was all well and good being considered a trendsetter, but when people started copying the things that you did not want them to, it could lead to disaster.”
How it Adds Description
If your actress character is fashionable, then it is likely that they have set a trend or two in their time! Describe them as a “trendsetter” to show how fans and other people in your story emulate them, although this is not often always desirable.
10. In Vogue
Being in fashion, although usually only for a brief amount of time.
“At the moment, flared trousers are in vogue, although it won’t be long until everyone is switching to the next new craze.”
“During the 70s and 80s, she was in vogue as an actress, but now she could barely even get a non-speaking role.”
How it Adds Description
“In vogue” helps you to be able to show that fashion doesn’t last very long. Your fashionable actress could find it incredibly hard work to keep up with new trends, or might even see themselves being sidelined in favor of other actresses that might be more popular or seen as more trendy at that moment in time. Actresses often have to reinvent themselves to stay relevant and remain “in vogue”.