In a novel, there are so many directions you can take a story in through incorporating a lake setting. If you need words to describe a lake at night, this post is for you.
1. Inky
Extremely dark, ink-like; indigo, or black in color.
“The inky lake was so dark that it was hard to see the shoreline.”
“The night sky was full of stars, but it revealed nothing of the lake’s inky depths.
How it Adds Description
The word “inky” adds to the description of a lake at night by creating an image of a dark and mysterious body of water. This creates an eerie or foreboding atmosphere. It can imply that something is lurking in the dark water yet to be discovered or it may foreshadow future events in the novel.
2. Luminescent
Emitting light, fluorescent; shining in a steady, uninterrupted way.
“The luminescent water of the lake shimmered in the moonlight.”
“The lake was luminescent and full of marvelous creatures that were a sight to behold.”
How it Adds Description
The word “luminescent” refers to something that emits soft, steady light such as a lake that reflects light to its surroundings. It can be used to create a sense of mystery and intrigue, such as a case where the light of the lake is unexplained or magical in nature, leading the reader to wonder what secrets it holds or what horrors may be hidden there.
3. Serene
Placid, sedate; untroubled or undisturbed.
“The serene lake was a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the city.”
“The relaxed atmosphere at the lake was serene, disturbed only by the occasional splash of a fish.”
How it Adds Description
The word “serene” creates an image of a peaceful and quiet body of water. It can move the story forward by providing a contrast to other elements in the story such as providing a moment of calm in an otherwise chaotic scene or hope for characters who are distressed. It can a vehicle for characters to reflect on parts of the story outside of heavy action or drama.
4. Lonesome
Solitary, isolated; not often frequented.
“The lonesome lake was the only sign of civilization for miles.”
“The lake was usually lonesome but now a dark figure stood at the edge, his frame silhouetted against the moonlight.”
How it Adds Description
The word “lonesome” adds a feeling of isolation and emptiness to the description of a lake at night. It evokes a sense of sadness or longing. This creates a mood of melancholy or introspection adding emotional depth to the setting and the characters present in the scene. It can move along a novel by providing an avenue to reveal thoughts or reflections on past events.
5. Enigmatic
Mystic, puzzling: impossible to fathom.
“The enigmatic lake seemed to be hiding something deep beneath its surface.”
“The lake had always had an enigmatic draw for Holly that was difficult to understand.”
How it Adds Description
The word “enigmatic” suggests that there is something mysterious or unexplained about the lake and its surroundings, creating a sense of unease or suspense in the reader. This can increase anticipation for what will happen next or hint at hidden elements or secrets yet to be revealed that move the story along. It can take the story in a different direction with new revelations.
6. Placid
Calm, peaceful; undisturbed in appearance.
“The placid lake mirrored the night sky.”
“The surface of the lake remained placid, disturbed only by the occasional ripple.”
How it Adds Description
The word “placid” suggests that the waters are still and undisturbed, creating a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. This can create a moment of respite or reflection for the characters. In a novel, this can move the story forward by creating a contrast with the tension and drama that may be occurring in the plot or by providing a respite from or ending heavy action.
7. Murky
Dark, obscured; difficult to see through.
“The murky waters of the lake were not inviting for swimming.”
“The shadows cast by the trees along the shore only added to the murky appearance of the lake.”
How it Adds Description
The word “murky” suggests that the water is not clear and that there may be something hidden or obscured within it. In a novel, this description of a murky lake at night can move the story forward by creating friction and suspense. It can also establish a mood or atmosphere that sets the stage for a dramatic or mysterious event to occur.
8. Fathomless
Bottomless, endless; impossible to measure or comprehend.
“The fathomless depths of the lake seemed to go on forever.”
“The mysteries of the lake were fathomless and intriguing to the new owner of the property.”
How it Adds Description
The word “fathomless” implies that the lake is so deep and dark that it is impossible to fully understand or comprehend its depths. In a novel, this could move the story forward by revealing a hidden aspect of the lake that plays a significant role in the plot.
9. Glistening
Sleek, lustrous; shining brightly or sparkling.
“The glistening surface of the lake was mesmerizing.”
“The lake was glistening beautifully beneath the light of the full moon.”
How it Adds Description
The word “glistening” can create a sense of beauty or wonder in the reader. It can also suggest that the lake is serene and still, and possibly reflecting the light of the moon or stars. In a novel, this description can create a sense of realism and immersion for the reader in the story world.
10. Tranquil
Hushed, serene; free of any disturbances.
“The tranquil lake was a perfect spot for a late-night swim.”
“The lake was tranquil as Marigold sat beside it trying to gather her chaotic thoughts.”
How it Adds Description
The word” “tranquil” implies that the lake is still and silent, with no disturbance or agitation. This creates a contrast with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The tranquil lake may also be a place where the protagonist goes to uncover some of the secrets of the story, as it is a peaceful place that may help them to think more clearly and focus.