Does the main plot in your novel take place in a poor neighborhood? If you need some words to describe a street smart person to help you write a character who lives in this area, below are 10 you can use.
1. Savvy
“He was worried about going into that part of town, but with her savvy street smarts, he knew she would keep them away from trouble.”
“He’d never done well in school, but he was particularly savvy when it came to the streets and this consistently kept him from getting in trouble.”
How it Adds Description
Savvy implies a kind of intelligence that is more so geared towards practicality than academic intelligence. For this reason, someone who spends a lot of time on the streets or who is known to have street smarts could be described as savvy.
2. Tough
Capable of withstanding strain or hardship; difficult to influence; stubborn.
“She looked small and helpless but after spending so much time on the streets, she was known to be tough as nails.”
“He felt relieved to be walking through this area with someone who was so tough.”
How it Adds Description
A person who knows the streets well is likely to be pretty tough. You can use this word to show that the person is physically tough and can take a fight, or that they are emotionally tough and not much gets under their skin.
3. Confident
Certain; full of conviction; demonstrating or having self-reliance and assurance.
“Even though he felt awkward and anxious, she was confident and kept her head held high as they walked.”
“While the first man was nervous about leaving the suburbs, the second man was much more confident and knew he’d be able to keep both of them safe.”
How it Adds Description
Using the word confident to describe your street smart character in your story will show that not only do they possess the knowledge to navigate urban areas safely, but they feel self-assured about it too.
4. Practical
Manifested or relating to practice or action; capable of being put to use; not theoretical or ideal.
“She had explained to him that growing up in the area meant she had to be practical and didn’t have time to daydream.”
“She was shocked by how practical he was as he led her through the streets, choosing the most straightforward path.”
How it Adds Description
The word practical will show readers that the person you are describing may not be very imaginative. Instead, they understand what needs to be done and they do what is necessary to achieve their end goal.
5. Trustworthy
Able to be counted on; dependable; worthy of confidence.
“Since his friend had gained so many street smarts, there was no one he thought was more trustworthy.”
“Since they were going to have to spend some time in a rougher part of town, she knew they needed someone trustworthy to guide them.”
How it Adds Description
If you want to make sure that your readers understand your street smart character is someone others can depend on, then use the word trustworthy to describe them.
6. Scrappy
Feisty; having a determined or aggressive spirit; quarrelsome.
“He had intimidated her at first, but now it was a relief to be on the run with someone who was so scrappy and determined.”
“During her childhood, she had spent a lot of time prowling the streets with her teenage friends, and she carried her scrappy attitude into her adulthood.”
How it Adds Description
Someone who has street smarts is also likely to be used to dealing with trouble. The word scrappy will tell readers that the character you are describing has a determined personality to go with their smarts.
7. Resourceful
Able to devise means and ways; able to meet situations.
“Without her and her resourceful personality, he would have been totally lost and unable to get anywhere.”
“At first, everything seemed lost, but that was exactly when his resourceful nature came into play.”
How it Adds Description
Want to make sure your readers know that the character in your story is capable of getting out of even the tightest situations? Describe them as resourceful. After gaining so many street smarts, this character has likely become pretty resourceful and able to use the environment to their advantage too.
8. Aggressive
Showing or tending toward aggression; marked by a combative readiness; marked by self-assertiveness that is obtrusive.
“After hearing about his life growing up, it wasn’t difficult to understand why he continued to act so aggressively.”
“He had an overall aggressive attitude that could be intimidating at times, but served him well on the streets.”
How it Adds Description
Your character may be aggressive as a means of navigating more urban areas, or their street smarts could have made them assertive to the point of seeming like they’re aggressive.
9. Reliable
Able to be relied upon; dependable.
“While his college friend was certainly academically smart, his more street smart friend would be a much more reliable person to help him in this situation.”
“He was the most reliable person she knew, especially when it came to getting through urban areas in the city.”
How it Adds Description
Someone with street smarts will likely be pretty reliable, especially if they are needed to help get through the streets. If you want to make sure that your readers know other characters can count on this one, then describe them with the word reliable.
10. Strong
Marked by or having great physical power; having intellectual or moral power; having great resources.
“He knew that he needed someone strong to bring with him, and so he decided to call his friend with street smarts right away.”
“She was strong and had the self-assurance and knowledge to get through any part of the city unharmed.”
How it Adds Description
The word strong could imply that the character you are describing has physical strength or that they have mental and emotional strength. Either way, this is a great word to use for someone who has street smarts.