Are you writing a supernatural novel that features ghosts? Do you need some help in writing these characters? Check out the 10 words to describe how a ghost moves below!
1. Eerie
Strange in a way that is frightening or mysterious.
“The ghost’s eerie movements were captivating, even though they also made his skin crawl.”
“When the clock struck midnight, the ghosts began their eerie dance through the castle.”
How it Adds Description
To see a ghost moving will probably going to be alien to the characters in your story, and most likely be a scary experience! To highlight both factors of strange and spooky, “eerie” makes for a fantastic word choice.
2. Flickering
- Shining with a light that alternates between being bright and weak.
- Appearing and reappearing rapidly.
“The flickering nature of the ghost made it hard to predict its movements.”
“The ghost was flickering as if struggling to choose between this world and the next.”
How it Adds Description
The incorporeal nature of ghosts means that they may find it difficult to maintain a visible form, whether down to external powers or their fading links to the living world. “Flickering” helps you to describe not only their ghostly glow but also how they may go in and out of vision.
3. Floaty
Very light, and moves easily in the air.
“The ghost’s floaty movements almost made it seem like it was playing with us.”
“Floaty wisps billowed around them, guiding them further down into the cave.”
How it Adds Description
Most often if a ghost is to move, it will do so effortlessly through the air and with little resistance to its movements, as if it is suspended in water. Try describing the strange way that a ghost will navigate the world by using the word “floaty” for its movements.
4. Fragile
Easily damaged or broken; weak.
“The ghost moved in such a fragile and delicate way that it seemed like any big movement would sweep it away from the physical plane.”
“The ghost seemed so fragile and powerless as it hovered over objects it would never again touch.”
How it Adds Description
Because they do not have a physical body and can often be semi-transparent, ghosts can appear to be very “fragile” as if they could easily be blown away or ripped apart. This also helps to describe their connection with the living world, as something that could do easily be broken.
5. Graceful
Moving in a smooth and relaxed manner that appears attractive.
“Even in death, the ghost of the countess was graceful as she roamed the hallways.”
“There was something quite graceful about the way in which the apparition seemed to move through the air as if it were nothing.”
How it Adds Description
Even though ghosts can freak some people out, there are others that find them fascinating and even captivating to watch. Their movements can appear very fluid and ethereal, giving them a “graceful” appearance.
6. Haunting
Beautiful but in a way that is sad.
“Instead of wanting to run away, the haunting steps of the ghost made him wonder what had happened to her.“
“The haunting melody seemed to come from the old piano in the corner of the room, whose dusty keys appeared to be being played by phantom hands.”
How it Adds Description
Although the word “haunting” might conjure up images of being scary, it also carries much more weight which you can use to your advantage in your story. For example, things that are “haunting” can often cause a feeling of sadness, or make an impact on people that makes what they see or experience stick with them for a long time.
7. Shimmering
Reflecting a gentle, moving light.
“The ghost was shimmering like ripples of water on a pool.”
“Shimmering with ethereal light, the spirit began to inch ever closer.”
How it Adds Description
“Shimmering” can help you to describe how the form of the ghost is ever-moving. It helps you to be able to illustrate them as being water-like, or glowing in a way that can only just be seen by the naked eye. The word also conjures up impressions of shining precious metals and gems and could be used to show how rare the ghost is or how important it is to your characters.
8. Stuttering
Irregular in behavior, moving and changing one minute, and still the next.
“The ghost was stuttering around the room, appearing in one corner one moment, and then in front of their faces the next.”
“The stuttering movements of the ghost made it hard to predict; they didn’t know whether to run or hide.”
How it Adds Description
The opposite of moving smoothly through the air, ghosts can sometimes have movement which is jarring and “stuttering”, which can be scary and unnerving! Especially if the ghost in your story is there as a horror element, this will make it hard to predict for both your reader and your characters, helping to ramp up the tension!
9. Unsettling
Making someone feel anxious or worried.
“The ghost began to phase through the wall, unfurling its fingers to reach out to them in an unsettling manner.”
“The unsettling way in which the ghost moved its mangled body drained any and all courage they had left to continue.”
How it Adds Description
Anything that is out of the ordinary can serve to make people feel uneasy. The way that a ghost moves would be no exception, especially one that may be part of a horror story, or have reminders of how they died still evident in their ghostly form. Try describing ghosts that put your readers on edge as “unsettling.”
10. Weightless
- Appearing to not weigh anything.
- Not being affected by gravity.
“The weightless ghost didn’t need to bother climbing the long, winding staircase, which made it hard for them to keep up.”
“In the storm, the ghost remained weightless in the air, a stark contrast to the driving wind and rain that threatened to knock them off their feet.”
How it Adds Description
Ghosts are not really beholden to physical laws, such as the tangibility of objects and even gravity itself! Using the word “weightless” to describe them and their movements can be a great choice.