Writing involves depiction of situations. It talks about people and their individual habits, aspirations and losses along with their successes. Writing involves a deep understanding of the nature and behavior associated with a plethora of people. A lot of the content in an author’s work comes from his or her observation of people around and their community.
An artist who performs before a camera or an audience also depicts people. Through their acting depicting the dreams, aspirations and the melancholy or happiness of the multitude, artists bring to life, entire stories. They infuse life into the characters that a writer has conjured up out of the recesses of their imagination, and present them before the audience. They touch the life of people watching these stories, inspire and educate. A writer’s imagination feeds the artist or the actor.
Then, there is the artist who paints dreams on a canvas and tries to bring change into the world through their art. Moving on the canvas, the artist’s deft strokes create music and symphony bringing the canvas alive with colors from the palette. The colors transform dreams into tangible reality to be seen and experienced and learnt from. An artist provides food for the imagination of a writer. An artist through his colors creates dreams and is somewhat similar to a writer who present dreams with their words.
The Interdependence of Writers on Arts
The close overlapping of an artists’ work and that of a writer make them a mutually nurturing art. A writer may benefit from observing an artist and improve upon their work. Some of these benefits include the following:
• Artists have to be disciplined about their work and their schedules. Observing an artist would also teach a writer the importance of being disciplined and methodical about their work.
• Proper time set out for the work is necessary along with a determination towards keeping to the schedules. All these are qualities that can be learnt from an artist and the writer would benefit from it to improve his or her writing.
• An artist captures the aesthetic within the circle of their expertise and dedication to work in a disciplined way to deliver the end result.
• An eye to detail is necessary for the artist to produce great pieces. A writer may pick up this quality from the artist to produce authentic work that has much detailing in it.
The above discussion shows that a writer may observe an artist to encompass roughly the same qualities to deliver a piece of literature, whether fiction or non-fiction.
Image credit: Ellen Munro on flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://writingtipsoasis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Nidhi.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Nidhi Manuja is a creative freelance writer who started her career as human resource professional but later moved on to writing, which has given her a chance to be creative and follow the path of her father’s success as well who is an author.[/author_info] [/author]