“If there’s one thing all professional platform-builders agree on, it’s the importance of building your list.”— Michael Hyatt
The quote highlights the importance of building an e-mail list for authors. Why is it important to build one? How does an e-mail list help authors to market their books more effectively especially when social media sites like Facebook or Tumblr exist?
1. The possible nonexistence of social websites
We live in a technology-driven world. There are plenty of social networking sites online. But nothing exists forever. What if one day your Facebook or Twitter ceases to exist? What would you do then? You may have followers on Twitter and Facebook; but if the sites themselves do not exist, then how do you stay in touch with your readers? That is why it is important to build an e-mail list so that you can remain in touch with your readers.
2. Reach your target audience faster
“Imagine how powerful it is to have a list of 10,000 people and to send an email saying ‘My book is available now. Click here to buy.’ This is the basis of all the Amazon bestseller campaigns”— Joanna Penn
As a newbie author or an experienced author, you may launch more books eventually. The best way to let your readers know is through an e-mail. An e-mail reaches your target audience faster. If your readers like what you write, then they will eagerly await your subsequent books.
3. Establish rapport
Networking is important for everybody. Expand your network through e-mail lists. E-mails help you in establishing a personal connection with your readers. Your readers can also communicate with you through e-mails. Your readers may have questions about your writing or some may even ask your advice on writing. Use this opportunity to answer them honestly. The effort you put in to respond will be appreciated. Wannabe writers will feel thrilled by your advice or insight.
4. Build a sustainable business
The more you engage and interact with your readers, the better will be the results. When you have people curious to read what you have written, this signals the starting of a sustainable business. With time, you will get to know your audience better and vice versa. This means some of them will become your devoted fans. They will also spread the word about your writing. This in turn translates to more business.
5. Infuse a feel-good element
All of us love appreciation. E-mail may be a platform for you to promote your books. But remember that your readers are humans. So be glad to interact with your readers directly. If your readers feel you are making an effort to interact honestly with them, they would feel happy and would appreciate your gesture. Infuse some good words when you write to them. Tell them how they made your day. The feel-good factor wins your readers. Treat them like the way you would treat your friends. This will go a long way in fostering a long-lasting relationship.
If you do not have a mailing list yet, make it a point to create one. You can use MailChimp that lets you add up to 2,000 subscribers for free. MailChimp has a deep social integration through which your readers can share what you have written with their Twitter followers. Ensure that your e-mails have your personal touch and your persona to woo your readers.
Image credit: Maria Elena on flickr and reproduced under Creative Commons 2.0