Customers whether they are consumers or businesses are bombarded with constant messages from organizations trying to sell them things. And there is continuously a need for businesses to create brands in order to make a mark on the world, and ensure their products and services remain visible and accessible to customers, new and old. There is no contradiction in the world of indie publishing. Below we’ve gathered 5 ways to help authors stand out from the rest.
1. Use your life story to help readers understand where you’re coming from
People communicate with each other through relating with one another. A key way to make yourself relatable is to give your readers your life story. This doesn’t mean you have to share every private detail about you. No, it means sharing those aspects that will help your readers understand the reason why you’ve written the book(s) you have. For instance, if you grew up in a rough part of the East End of London and your stories are inspired through your experiences of unsavoury real-life characters you came across when you were a teenager, share this information where relevant such as when giving interviews, on your author biography on your website, and on other publications.
2. Stand for something important
Chances are you know a family member, or a friend, or a colleague who stands for a cause that is important to society and/or the environment. Perhaps you already fundraise for a charity, or do volunteering work. Is there any way you can promote these activities in a way which also is aligned with your work as an author? People who stand up against various injustices experienced by disadvantaged groups, or who spread awareness of communities that lack adequate support, stand out like a sore thumb.
3. Be visible all over the place
I remember when I was working as a coach looking to promote some of my ebooks. I pitched my story to various newspapers and magazines. In the end I and my ebooks got featured in some newspapers, both regional and national. At the time, I was also guest posting at other blogs like crazy. During this period, a fellow close blogger friend commented how she was happy to see me everywhere. The logic is simple, basic, yet powerful. The more places you can get featured in, the more exposure you get. And the move coverage you get, the more influence you have, and the potential to sell more of your books increases.
4. Be persistent
On the face of it, being persistent doesn’t sound like anything out of the ordinary, and it isn’t really. Yet, it is a key trait those who are successful have, which those who seem to drop by the wayside don’t. Persistence is continuing doing what you have been doing, again and again and until you see the success you want. And it isn’t being persistent with the wrong type of action. As an author, figure out those attitudes and behaviours that help you to be a better, more productive writer and marketer of your books. You will know because you’ll begin to taste small successes through your actions. It is these ones to persist with.
5. Create a community
Some authors don’t have much interest in building a community. This could be for a number of reasons, which could range from an author not wanting to engage with others, to publishing houses taking responsibility for an author’s online interaction with readers. However, by including time in your schedule to share valuable information or disseminate photos or images which interest you by yourself, while asking questions to your readers which encourage them to answer and interact with one another, you create a space to reach out to more people. You position yourself as a leader of your very own community.
By caring for this community, they will return your human touch by talking about you with others, introduce you to other important connections, buy more of your books and influence others to do so, as well. Writing a blog or even maintaining an active Facebook page, are excellent ways to begin creating your community.
Image credit: Pixabay
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of eBooks India. He is also a prolific eBook writer with over 25 titles to his name.[/author_info] [/author]