As a writer are you looking for ways to increase your income streams, in addition to the eBooks and books you sell? If so, your blog might just be the perfect opportunity. Read on to find out how to make money blogging:
1. Produce High Quality Content
In order to make money blogging, your blog needs to host lots of high quality content. This content can consist of articles. If you are a beginner writer, then writing articles for your blog can help you to improve your writing skills. If you are an experienced writer, writing posts for your blog will help refine your writing abilities. Whatever stage you are at writing, articles that are of high value for your readers, is of utmost importance.
These days, videos are a very popular form of content that bloggers and writers produce for their blogs. You can very easily create videos of yourself using YouTube and Vimeo. In these videos you can share your thoughts, experience and knowledge as an additional way to engage with your followers. Of course, you can get very creative with videos and use film clips, music and stock photos while you narrate along.
2. Have Lots of Visitors
Generating lots of visitors is directly proportional to the amount of content you generate. If you write lots of articles, these will get indexed by search engines through keywords you’ve used in your content and people will find your material through searching. The same is for videos. For example if you produce many videos, and upload them to video sharing sites such as YouTube, people again can find you through searching of such sites.
Another way that you can increase the amount of visitors you get to your site is to share your content across social media platforms, including the major ones such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
3. Develop Online Relationships
Related to the point about social media sharing in section 2 above, is the concept of online networking – building meaningful and win-win situations with other writers who also maintain blogs, engage with them and share content from their sites with your social networks. The law of reciprocity is such that your online contacts will also share your content across their networks, and the amount of visitors you get to your blog will also rise.
4. Create Monetisation Opportunities
Once you get into a schedule where you’re creating plenty of good quality content for your blog, and a decent numbers of visitors are coming to your site, you now have an opportunity to commercialise. You can do this through selling your eBooks and books directly from your blog as PDF documents, for instance. If your traffic is high enough, you can then sell advertising space on your blog to businesses who might be interested in selling products and/or services, to the types of visitors who come to your site.
Have a particular expertise? It could be writing, editing, or something totally unrelated. Are there people out there who could benefit from your expertise? If so, you could have an opportunity to create an information product, such a time dependent online course, or a subscription membership site that people can sign up to. Within such resources you can share your expertise through text, audio, video and plenty of practical exercises.
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