At the end of last year Notion Press, one of India’s major self-publishing platforms introduced a short story competition, where anyone aged 13 years upwards could submit a short story of 1500 -2000 words in English. The first place winner would receive Rs. 1000, with those coming in at 2nd to 6th place would receive Rs. 1000. The best 15 stories and 5 special editor … [Read more...] about Short Stories Are All the Rage
how to write a short story
Master Short Story Writing
Writing a novel requires you to dig deep into your story, dig deep into the plot, and dig deep into the characters you have created. The short story is a different beast altogether. Short stories require you to stick to the fundamental basics of storytelling, freeing you of extensive plot and character development, while allowing you to experiment with your narrative and get … [Read more...] about Master Short Story Writing