If you’re an author who is self-publishing your own work, marketing is a skill you’ll need to learn, in order to help sell your books and ebooks. There is one type of marketing that is essential, however. It is online content marketing and when used correctly, it really can be an author’s best friend. Read on to learn why. You can use it to craft and convey what you and your … [Read more...] about Why Online Content Marketing is an Author’s Best Friend
Sales and Marketing
5 Changes You Need to Make to Your Author Website Immediately
Writers are not just writers – they need to be entrepreneurs, marketing experts, and business people to succeed today. Today, there are so many writers, so many books on Amazon, some of which are free or at a very low price. It’s very difficult to tap into a market – and yes, it is a market, even if you want to say “I want to write because I love to write.” Here is the … [Read more...] about 5 Changes You Need to Make to Your Author Website Immediately
How to Get Publicity for Your Book Business
If you take the time to browse online for debut writers, self-published writers, and writers’ blogs, you might get the impression that half of the blogs on the internet belong to writers, regardless of whether they write fiction or nonfiction. If you took the time to really absorb that fact, you will realize that, regardless of whether you are self-publishing your book or have … [Read more...] about How to Get Publicity for Your Book Business
5 Things Freelancers Should Learn From Employer Branding
According to Universum, employer branding is “the process of promoting a company, or an organization, as the employer of choice to a desired target group, one which a company needs and wants to recruit and retain.” Employer branding isn’t a new thing. In 2009 Lara Moroko and Mark D. Uncles referred to employer branding as “a critical management tool for many companies” (WSJ, … [Read more...] about 5 Things Freelancers Should Learn From Employer Branding
5 Reasons Why Authors Fail at Content Marketing
Most authors go about their books and their craft without stopping to think about content marketing. They hear the word marketing and it makes them think of advertising, and well, that seems easy. And it may be true – advertising is not that difficult. Marketing, content marketing to be precise, needs forethought and other elements that you might not be focusing on. And when … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons Why Authors Fail at Content Marketing